Quandu u gattu no ’nc’e’, i surici abballanu. |
When the cat is missing the mice start dancing. |
Cu no senta a mamma e u patra na mala muarti mora. |
He who does not listen to his mother and father
will have a very bad end. |
Quandu e vera fhami quagghia
sula. |
If you're really hungry, you
will eat. |
Fai bene e scordati. Fai male e
guardati. |
Do good and forget about it.
Do evil and be on guard. |
A cumpidenza è patruna da malacrijanza. |
He who gets too familiar will finally become
disrespectful. |
Cu ava puacu sordi
sempa cunta, cu ava mugghiari bella sempa canta. |
He who has little
money counts it often; he who has a beautiful wife always sings.
Cu dassa a via vecchia pa via
nova sapa chiju chi dassa ma non sapa chiju chi trova. |
He who leaves the old way
for the new knows what he left behind but not what he's getting into.. |
Cu si curca in dui si aza in
tri’. |
If you go bed in two, you'll
get up in three. |
Cu sparta e no tena, mala
Pasqua nci vena. |
He who only gives and doesn't
keep will have a bad Easter. |
Cu no pensa prima paga duappu. |
If you don't think before,
you'll pay after. |
U cana chi abbaia truappu no
muzzica |
The dog that barks too much
doesn't bite. |
Cu nescia tundu no pò morira
quatru. |
He who is born round cannot
die square. |
A gatta presciarola facia i
gattini orbi. |
A hasty cat gives birth to
blind kittens. |
Cu ciantu liabura vo m’acchiappa
unu fhughia e l’atru scappa. |
He who wants to capture one hundred rabbits,
will see them all run away. |
Amuri viacchiu e pana tuastu ogni vota chi vai
’nda truavi nu muarzu. |
Old love and hard bread; every time you go to
them you'll find some left. |
Luntanu e luacchi, luntanu do cuari. |
Far from the eye, far from the heart. |
Cu mangia cu dui ganghi, saffuca. |
He who eats with both sides of the mouth, will
end up chocking. |
U cane muzzica sempa u sciancatu.
The dog always bites the beggar. |
Dammi fhortuna e jiettami a mare. |
Give me luck and throw me into the sea. |
E’ miagghjiu cu nu’ giovani godire, ca no’cu
nu’viacchiu dinari cuntara. |
It is best to rejoice with a young man
than to count money with an old man. |
Non c’e’ vecchia senza doluri; non c’e’giuvani
senza amuri; non c’e’ majiu senza fhiuri. |
There is no old woman without pain; there is no
youth without love; there is no month of May without flowers. |
Mbiscati i carti e jocati i scarpi. |
Play cards and lose your shoes. |
Duanni e vua de pajisi tua. |
Women and oxen from your own town. |
U ciucciu che’ ’mparatu a ficara,
si caccia u vizzu quandu mora. |
The donkey who is used to eating figs from the
fig tree, will lose his habit only when he dies. |
Si vua mu sai quantu hai,
paga a cu divi. |
If you want to know how much you really have,
pay first your debts. |
Dimmi cu ccui vai e ti dicu chi ffai. |
Tell me who's company you keep, and I will tell
you what you do. |
Dammi arti e no mi dunare parti. |
Give me a skill for a trade, not an
inheritance. |
U gurdu non crida o
dighiunu, e u sanu non crida o malatu. |
The person who is full will
not believe the one who is starving; a healthy person will not believe
the one who is ill. |
Cu’ si fà i caspiti sua campa cent’anni. |
He who minds his own business will live one
hundred years. |
U ghiumbarusu ammianzu a
via, non vidia a ghiumba chi avia. |
He who has faults will tend
to see the faults of others, not his own. |
U lupu cangia u pilu ma no u
vizzu. |
The wolf may lose its hair
but not its habits. |
Quandu a tavula è misa cu no mangia perda a spisa. |
When the table is set, go
ahead and eat, or starve. |
Cu’ pecura si fhace u lupu sa mangia. |
If you show yourself to be
like a sheep, the wolf will eat you. |
I guai da pignata i sapa a
cucchiara chi i gira.. |
The woes of the pot are known only by the spoon
that turns in it. |
Palumbu mutu no’mpo’essere
servutu. |
A silent pigeon cannot be served. |
A petra chi no pigghia
lippu, sa leva l’acqua. |
The stone that refuses to
become smooth will be pushed down by rushing waters. |
Cu va cu zuappu ’mpara a zoppicare. |
If you hang around the lame,
you too will become lame. |
Fhattila cu i miagghiu e tia
e paganci i spisi. |
Spend your time with people
who are better than you are and you will do well. |
Quandu u diavulu t’accarizza
vola l’anima. |
When the Devil caresses you
you wants your soul. |
Fhatti i fhatti tua ca campi
cent’anni. |
Mind your business and you'll
live one hundred years. |
Cu’ prima no penza duappu
sospira. |
If you first don't think,
you'll pay later. |
Vale chiu’ namicu sinceru ca
ciantu ducati. |
It's better to have a true
friend than many riches. |
Cu dorma no pigghia pisci. |
The fisherman that sleeps will catch no fish. |
Miagghiu na mala matina, ca na mala vicina. |
It's better to have a bad morning than a bad
neighbor. |
U ciucciu de tanti patruni moriu da fami e da
siti. |
The donkey who has many masters died of hunger
and thirst. |
Cu s’avanta n’cuna cosa nci manca. |
He who brags is lacking something. |
Ama l’uamu tuo
a secundu de vizi sua. |
Love your own man in spite of his weaknesses. |
U buanu juarnu si vida da matina.
A good morning becomes evident from the
morning. |
Senza sordi no’ ssinda cantanu missi.
Without money you won't even get a Mass. |