(English Version Below)
Palma fin dalla sua nascita. Fin dall'inizio la bambina era fatta di
miele. Palma era una bambina dolce, serena e sempre sorridente. Abitava
dietro la fontana della piazza.
Da piccola,
Palma emigro` con i genitori, Saro Pileggi e Maria Mendaglio a Montreal,
in Canada. Palma cresceva tranquilla e spensierata fin quando un
giorno, alleta` di otto anni, durante una semplice passeggiata per una
strada di Montreal, incomincio` a barcollare. I genitori credevano che
stesse scherzando e
le chiesero, "A Parma, chi fhai?".
Lei rispose,
Vijiu." Queste furono le parole tragiche che diedero inizio ad una fase
incredibilmente penosa per lei e la sua famiglia.
temporanea cecita` spinse i preoccupati genitori a portarla dal medico
e poi in ospedale. L’improvvisa e temporanea perdita della vista era
dovuta alla presenza di liquido nel cervello a sua volta causato da
Da quel punto inizio` un vero e proprio calvario per la dolce bimba.
Palma fu subito operata ma, purtroppo, il corpo di Palma continuo` a
produrre altri tumori,
anno dopo anno. Palma subi` 14 operazioni, per
togliere i tumori che crescevano continuamente sulla superficie del suo
cervello. Purtroppo,
la crescita di tumori non e` tutt’ora cessata.
Sfortunatamente, anche le operazioni ebbero delle tristi conseguenze.
decenni dopo,
Palma ha quasi totalmente perso la vista e l’udito e riesce a camminare
con grande difficolta`. Palma trascorre le lunghe giornate in casa ad
ascoltare la televisione oppure ad ascoltare delle registrazioni datele
da un’
Associazione che si occupa di ciechi.
A causa della sua terribile malattia, Palma non ebbe l’opportunita` di
avere una felice gioventu` ne di sperimentare le gioie dell’adolescenza.
Palma non ha potuto godere la felicita` di un matrimonio e di avere
figli. Palma ha conosciuto soltanto tanta sofferenza. Tutto cio` avrebbe
potuto creare in Palma rancore verso Dio e la vita e creare in lei uno
spirito acerbo verso tutto e tutti --- ma non in Palma.
La bambina fatta di miele e` rimasta di miele,
anche da adulta, malgrado le tante torture che le ha mandato la vita.
Palma ha affontato il suo calvario con serenita` e con sorprendente ed
ammirabile dolcezza.
Palma ama i suoi fratelli e sorelle, i suoi nipoti e sua madre
particolar modo. Palma e` sempre dolce e gentile con le infermiere ed
tanti medici con cui ha sempre a che fare. Palma e` sempre piena di
affetto verso gli altri e, come ci rassicura sua madre, e` sempre pronta
ad aiutare gli altri
malgrado le sue tante limitazioni.
passar degli
le difficolta` sono aumentate; le medicine che e` forzata a
prendere sono piu` forti che mai; le
piu` forti
che mai. Le ragioni per potersi inacerbire abbondano piu` che mai, ma
Palma rimane immutata. Era di miele e rimane di miele.
Palma e` un gioiello incomparabile, e si merita di essere chiamata,
“Un Angelo”.
Lo ha dimostrato durante tanti anni di durissime prove e continua a
dimostrarlo tutt’ora che le sue sofferenze sono piu` grandi che mai.
Un cugino di Palma
PS. Dopo
tante sofferenze, Palma e` deceduta il 30 Gennaio del 2012.
I have
known Palma since she was born. Since her childhood, she was sweet,
gentle and happy. She lived in Capistrano near the main piazza, a place
she loved to go to any time she could.
As a child,
she left Italy with her parents, Saro and Maria Pileggi, and moved to
Montreal, in Canada. Palma was growing healthy and tranquil until one
day, at the age of eight, while taking a walk with her parents, she
started losing her balance. At first,
her parents thought she was playing.
Soon they became
and asked what was the problem and she
answered that she could not see. These were the tragic words that began
an endless crucible for her and her family.
temporary blindness convinced the parents to take her to a doctor and
then to a hospital. The sudden and temporary blindness was found to have
been caused by a high amount of fluid in her brain which was, in turn,
caused by brain tumours.
From that time on,
the poor child started going through a very challenging time. Palma was
immediately operated on,
but her body continues
to produce other tumours year after year. In all, Palma went through 14
operations to excise the tumours that relentlessly grew on the surface
of her brain. Even today, the tumours continue to
re-appear without
Unfortunately, the many operations had some unexpected consequences. At
present, in her forties, Palma has almost totally lost her eyesight, her
hearing has been greatly impaired and she has great trouble maintaining
her balance,
when walking.
As a result of her illness,
Palma did not have the opportunity of
experiencing a happy childhood,
like most people. Palma never had the joy
of experiencing marriage and of having children. Palma has only known
much suffering. All of this could have caused in Palma bitterness toward
God and life. It could have made her angry and harsh toward others as
well – but the opposite,
is true.
The sweet child of the past is still sweet today, in spite of all the
tribulations she has gone through. Palma has faced her crucible with
tranquillity and has always retained her sweetness.
Palma loves her brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces and her mother in
particular. Palma is always sweet and gentle with the nurses and the
doctors she constantly deals with. Palma is always filled with love
toward others and, as the mother assures us, she is always ready to help
others in any small way she can and is thoughtful of others, in spite of
her many limitations.
As the year go by, the challenges she must face have increased; the
medications she must now take are stronger than ever; the pains she must
are stronger than ever as well. There are plenty of reasons, now more
than ever, why Palma should become bitter; but Palma remains unchanged.
She was sweet as honey and she remains sweet as honey.
Palma is an incomparable jewel, and she deserves to be called, “An
Angel.” She has shown to have deserved this name through years of
painful trials and she continues to show it today as her trials become
more grievous than ever.
Palma’s Cousin
PS. After
much suffering, Palma passed away January 30, 2012. |